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EP#366 w/ Brian Hogan

Every time high voltage rock & roll showman Brian Hogan hits the bandstand, he takes complete authority over the room. With a soulful swagger and a passionate set of pipes, Hogan's arresting mixture of untamed big beat, honky-tonk philosophy and passionate balladry makes every one of his shows a full-blown event. Rhythm driven and acutely

aware of his audience, Hogan's spontaneous response brings him off stage and right onto the floor, stalking listeners like a panther and constantly turning up the heat. It's the instinctive acumen of a master showman, and Hogan does not do any of it half way.

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Earlier Event: December 20
EP#365 The Foobar Show Take over
Later Event: January 10
EP#367 w/ Music Guest Never Sober